(Brett Phibbs/New Zealand Herald via AP)
Cycone Winston victims

Israel is widely known for its expertise in disaster situations as its rescue teams have flown to numerous locations hit by disaster and saved thousands of victims.

Israel sent Fiji 12 portable solar generators to aid them in the aftermath of Cyclone Winston that had left a path of massive devastation in the Pacific island nation earlier this year, China’s Xinhua agency reported.

While receiving the equipment on Wednesday, Fijian Minister of Agriculture, Rural and Maritime Development and National Disaster Management Inia Seruiratu acknowledged Israel’s contribution to the victims in the reconstruction process.

The generators, together with a donation made earlier this year, strengthened the relations between Fiji and Israel, Seruiratu said, adding that Fiji looks forward to continued cooperation with the Jewish State in disaster response and agriculture.

Yaron Sultan-Dadon, an advisor on the Pacific islands to Israel government, said the donation reflects the partnership between the two countries and that the solar kits will allow families to live normally.

The solar kits will be distributed to Fiji’s four divisional commissioners, who will then distribute them in accordance with the needs of affected communities.

This is not the first instance Israel has sent aid to Fiji. Israel sent a relief team to the island last March, a month after being hit by the cyclone.

Upon arrival, the Israeli team assessed the damage inflicted by the storm and drew up specific solutions and plans for initial aid to the devastated population. The team met with senior Fijian governors who expressed their appreciation for the Israeli aid and also met with local community leaders.

Israel has a proud history of leading humanitarian, medical and logistical assistance to countries in distress around the world, including to tornado victims in Oklahoma, typhoon refuges in previous storms in the Philippines and earthquake victims in Haiti. It has most recently been a leading force in providing medical assistance to the earthquake victims in Nepal.

By: United with Israel Staff