(Hadas Parush/Flash90)
Sheikh Khaled al-Mughrabi

An Israeli court has sent an anti-Semitic Palestinian preacher to prison for his incitement against Jews, which, the court noted, leads to actual acts of terrorism.  

Sheikh Khaled al-Mughrabi, an infamous hatemonger and Muslim preacher who used the pulpit on the Temple Mount to incite against Israel and the Jews, was sentenced on Monday by an Israeli court to 11 months in prison and another six-month suspended sentence.

Mughrabi was convicted of three counts of inciting to racism after utilizing religious sermons to disseminate anti-Semitism and hatred against the Jewish religion and Jews.

In its ruling, the court noted Mughrabi’s use of old and classic anti-Semitic libels as an excuse to condone violence against Jews, and his utilization of “one of the most sensitive spots on earth” which attains vast religious significance and his position as a religious leader to repeatedly voice hatred against Jews and Israel. Furthermore, Mughrabi posted several of his sermons online, giving his lies and hatred global exposure.

“The significance of the denunciation and the stopping of the blight of incitement is acute in wake of our current reality, in which we are witness to its harmful potential,” Judge Ohad Gordon wrote in his ruling, relating to the almost daily Palestinian terrorist attacks which are fueled by incitement by the Palestinian leadership and clergy.

Judge Ohad Gordon

Judge Ohad Gordon. (Court Spokesman)

The Jerusalem District’s Attorney’s office expressed satisfaction after ruling, saying Mughrabi’s punishment was “significant.”

Mughrabi used to teach Islam twice a week in the Al-Aqsa Mosque on the Temple Mount, and has become notorious for his Nazi-like, anti-Semitic sermons, many of which have been exposed by Palestinian Media Watch (PMW).

For example, “The Children of Israel will all be exterminated, the Anti-Christ will be killed and the Muslims will live in comfort for a long time,” he stated in an October sermon.

His allegations include blood libels, such as that Jews drink blood like vampires in order to attain eternal life.

His sermons are still available on YouTube, despite requests by Israeli organizations to have them removed due to their harmful content.

Palestinian preachers habitually use the Al-Aqsa pulpit to promote anti-Semitismhatred of America and to incite terror.

By: Max Gelber, United with Israel