(Flash 90)
Danny Danon

Danny Danon criticized the UNSC’s blatant bias as it continues to refuse to condemn Palestinian terror attacks against Israelis.

Israel’s ambassador to the United Nations Danny Danon assailed the United Nation’s Security Council (UNSC) for its inaction and silence with regard to terror attacks against Israel, while being very vocal on terrorism anywhere else.

Addressing a debate on the situation in the Middle East on Tuesday, Danon pointed out that the UNSC “has passed 12 resolutions condemning terror in countries around the world, but not once has it condemned acts of terror against Israelis.”

As a small nation located in the heart of the Middle East, which Danon said is “ground zero in the battle for the triumph of the civilized world,” Israel is on the front lines of that battle.

“When Israelis, when my people, look around them, they see the brutal civil war in Syria, and ISIS (Islamic State terror group) in the Golan Heights and on the border with Egypt. They see Hezbollah strengthening its position to the north, and Hamas turning Gaza into a staging grounds of terror.”

Tapuach terror attack

Site of a recent Tapuach junction terror attack. (Police spokesman)

Hamas and Hezbollah, supported and financed by Iran, are building their military might in preparation to destroy Israel but “make no mistake. Israel has the means to defend itself. We will take all necessary measures to protect our people,” Danon told the UNSC.

Danon quoted UNSC Resolution 2249 which was adopted in the aftermath of the terror attacks in Paris that stated that “any acts of terrorism are criminal and unjustifiable regardless of their motivations, whenever and by whomever committed.”

“I repeat, whenever and by whomever committed,” Danon underscored.

“Yet, the international community has made one, only one, exception. There is one place in the world that this absolute ban on terrorism can be ignored. Once again, the State of Israel is singled out, and treated differently from all other nations in the world,” Danon stated.

During the last four months, during which Israel has suffered from a wave of almost daily Palestinian terror attacks, the UNSC has adopted twelve resolutions against terrorism and condemned terrorist attacks in France, Sinai, Lebanon, Mali, Tunisia, Turkey, Iraq, Syria, Nigeria, Burkina Faso, Somalia, and Sudan.
Yet, “not once were the lives of Israelis murdered by terrorists recognized by this Council. No condemnation, no expression of solidarity, not even a statement of concern. The facts don’t lie. The Security Council has been hypocritical when it comes to Israel.”

The Council’s decision to ignore the Israeli victims of terror “is no simple oversight,” Danon accused. “It is the direct result of allowing cynical political considerations by some to take priority over the lives of people.”

He called on the UNSC to “chart a new course. No more business as usual when it comes to terror against Israelis. The fear is the same fear; the pain is the same pain. The response must be the same response. Terror is terror is terror.”

The Israeli envoy concluded by calling on the United Nations to band together against a common enemy. “For the future of the region, and the future of the free world, we must join together to defeat the forces of evil and intolerance.”

By: Max Gelber, United with Israel