(Yonatan Sindel/Flash90)
Gill Rosenberg

Gill Rosenberg, who served in the IDF and then fought on behalf of the oppressed Kurds in Syria and Iraq, has returned to the region to help free Yazidi women from sexual slavery.

Steve Maman, a Canadian Jewish businessman rescuing non-Muslim hostages of the Islamic State (ISIS), hired Gill Rosenberg, who had served in the IDF and then fought on behalf of the Kurds in Syria and Iraq, to return to Iraq help free Yazidi women captured by ISIS.

Maman said that he contacted Rosenberg upon her return to Israel from Iraq. He asked her to work on behalf of the Liberation of Christian and Yazidi Children of Iraq (CYCI) project, which is dedicated to rescuing non-Muslim captives held by ISIS who are at risk of sexual abuse and slavery.

Click here for the full story

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