(Photo: baltimore.cbslocal.com)

An unidentified man shot at Jewish teens walking to synagogue in Baltimore on Rosh Hashana, the Jewish New Year. No one was hurt but the building was damaged.

Late Thursday afternoon, an unidentified man fired a BB gun from of his moving vehicle while passing the vicinity of Bais Hamedrash & Mesivta of Baltimore, a synagogue and private boys’ school. The assailant missed his targets and there were no injuries.

A synagogue window was hit and smashed.

CBS report categorized the attack as a “bias incident.”

According to the report, “a passing driver pointed some type of BB gun at them and screamed, ‘Jews, Jews, Jews.’ He fired and missed. The pellet struck the synagogue window, leaving a small hole. The driver took off.”

“It says something about what is going on in the world in terms of the anti-Semitism that is growing. And that always grows in times of economic pressure,” said Bernice Seiden, who was interviewed by WJZ television.

Police have launched a search for the assailant.

“We want to let people know that’s not going to be tolerated in our communities,” said Cpl. John Wachter, Baltimore County Police, CBS reported.

Scott Shellenberger, State’s Attorney for Baltimore County, is hopeful the suspect will be caught, adding that he could be charged with a hate crime as well as other criminal acts.

Author: United with Israel Staff