Facebook has begun to fight online incitement, but we must insist that Mark Zuckerberg and his social media giant work harder to block incitement and hate! Facebook has recently taken action against Hamas’ support of terrorism on its social media platform by shutting down terrorism-linked pages. The social media giant has closed more than 90 pages supporting... Read more »

While Facebook has apparently committed to fighting online incitement, its so-called 'Community Standards' are ambiguous and do not prevent those who want to spread hate or incite to terror from doing so. Insist that Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook work harder to block incitement and hate!

Facebook demonstrates a clear pro-Palestinian bias when it comes to online incitement and Israeli experiments have proven this. Numerous Israelis have been murdered by Palestinian terrorists thanks to online incitement spread through Facebook. Insist that Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook take action!

Fed up with Facebook founder Marc Zuckerberg's refusal to remove online posts that incite terror against Israelis and Jews, Israel's Minister of Internal Security Gilad Erdan said that 'part of the blood of the murdered is on Facebook's hands,' and demanded that the social media network take action.

Actor Morgan Freeman posted a photo of himself in Israel on his Facebook page when he was attacked by Israel-haters. Support Freeman by posting on his Facebook page and thank him for visiting! While Morgan Freeman received many supportive messages in the comments to his photo, some people, with apparent anti-Israel sentiments, appeared to be upset... Read more »

By deciding that comments opposing mass immigration are racist, Facebook is condemning the majority of Europeans. This is a policy that will help push Europe towards disaster.