'The exercise symbolizes an important milestone in reinforcing strategic and international cooperation between the State of Israel and Greece,' stated the IDF.
The tourism industry has been one of the hardest industries hit by the COVID-19 pandemic, and now a new deal between Israel and Greece may help bring the sector back to life.
Another welcome development is that the neo-Nazi Yellow Dawn party did not pass the minimum threshold and will be left without representation in parliament.
Israel, Greece and Cyprus join forces to address cyber security issues, improve disaster relief capabilities and develop innovative approaches to business in the twenty-first century.
'Israel mourns with the people of Greece over the loss of life. I express my deepest condolences to the families who lost their loved ones,' Netanyahu said.
Jerusalem 'was founded by the Jews... in ancient times. You can read Flavius Josephus or read Diodoros Siceliotis and see the references to the city of Jerusalem.'
"A solution in Cyprus could be a game changer and make the prospect of Israeli export of natural gas to Turkey and even to Europe much more feasible," says an Israeli researcher.
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