Shemini Atzeret and Simchat Torah are timeless lessons of continuity, growth, study and celebration of all of God's gifts, especially the spiritual ones.
What is Shemini Atzeret/Simchat Torah all about? Is it merely a continuation of the week-long holiday of Sukkot or does it have its own special purpose?
When you dance in front of God, when you dance in honor of God, and when you dance in honor of the Torah – there are no protocols or formalities. We are all equal.
We need the Torah for everything in life! It shows us the way, teaches us what’s right and brings meaning to our lives. Discover the secret of dancing with the Torah!
Mistakenly confused with Sukkot and sometimes referred to as the last days of Sukkot, the holiday of Simchat Torah is actually an independent holiday that begins the moment the holiday of Sukkot ends.
Israeli solar energy projects light up countless homes but that's not all... The Jewish State illuminates millions of lives – by removing darkness itself!
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