There is a growing fear that despite US public opinion, Obama’s obsession to distance the US diplomatically from Israel could lead him to forgo employing the US veto in the Security Council, or worse, endorse a resolution which could pave the way for global sanctions against Israel.

After the White House made clear it is exploring options that could potentially damage Israel in an end-of-term move, the WSJ asked, 'Does Mr. Obama want to be remembered as the President who criminalized Israeli citizenship?'

In a potential sign that Israel’s ties with the Sunni Arab axis in the Middle East are indeed getting stronger, the Kuwaiti UN delegation — for the first time in history – did not walk out of the hall on Thursday during Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s address to the General Assembly.

Waiting for the world to condemn and pay lip service to Israel’s fight against terrorism is a dead end in every sense of the word. It will never happen. We are a sovereign nation. We do not need the world’s permission to defend ourselves against those who seek our destruction.