The flag is an indication of the fact that the Palestinians are a newly-minted ethnicity — invented by the KGB and Yasir Arafat in the 1960s to be a weapon against Israel.
Recent Newsweek piece blames Israel for everything wrong while making excuses for Palestinians - including the terrorism and antisemitism of its leaders.
Tawfik Tirawi, a former head of the Palestinian General Intelligence Service, finds himself at the center of an affair that has rocked the Palestinian Authority.
Kamala Harris' response to an vicious lies about the Jewish State is reminiscent of Hillary Clinton’s 1999 visit (as First Lady) with Suha Arafat, wife of then-PA president and long-time terrorist leader, Yasser Arafat.
British-Palestinian journalist and Israel-hater repeats arch-terrorist Arafat’s claim that Israelis will flee the country 'like rats fleeing a sinking ship.'
This Israeli expert says the Palestinians are responsible for the only real coup attempt in Jordan, dismissing recent reports of a failed attempt to overthrow the king.
In a surprise post on her Instagram account, Suha Arafat also confirmed there is no evidence supporting conspiracies that Israel assassinated her late husband.
The Palestinians 'are on the losing side of this dispute. They have painted themselves into a corner, and the way out of is to cooperate quietly with Israel.'
'I will open the gates of hell on senior Palestinian officials,' claimed the widow of arch-terrorist Yasser Arafat, whom PA brass have blasted over her defense of the UAE after its peace deal with Israel.
While different in style, the 'moderate' Abbas is actually following in the footsteps of his predecessor, the late Palestinian arch-terrorist Yasser Arafat.
The Palestinians' Nobel Peace Prize-winning icon, Yasser Arafat, gave the go-ahead for Hamas' brutal terror campaign to slaughter Israeli civilians during the Second Intifida, says a key Hamas henchman.
Contrary to the lies promoted by anti-Israel propagandists and BDS bullies, the Palestinians suffer due to their own leadership's abject corruption and ruthlessness.
'This move is one step closer toward justice for the victims and their families,' said attorney Nitsana Darshan-Leitner of Shurat Hadin-Israel Law Center.
The widow of arch-terrorist Arafat offered her insight into the current state of Palestinian Arab affairs. Her outlook in general is bleak and negative.
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