The knife used in the terror attack. (Photo: Barak Sharaby)

Security forces at the scene of the attack. (Photo:  Amir Levy/ Flash90)

Security forces at the scene of the attack. (Photo: Amir Levy/ Flash90)

An Arab terrorist continued with the latest wave of PA-instigated violence on Monday as he attacked an IDF soldier, critically wounding him. The assailant was caught. 

An IDF soldier in his 20s was critically wounded on Monday by an Arab terrorist near the central bus station in Tel Aviv. The assailant tried to grab the soldier’s rifle and then stabbed him several times.

UPDATE: The soldier has died from his injuries. 

The terrorist, 18, from Shechem (Nabulus), was captured by police a short while after the attack. He himself had been injured during the scuffle with the soldier.

The wounded soldier, who reportedly had no pulse after the attack, was resuscitated by a medical team at the scene of the attack and then rushed to a hospital; he has undergone surgery. Two witnesses were treated for shock.

Gilad Goldman, in his 50s, was at the scene of the attack. He told Ynet: “I got out of my car and saw him [the terrorist] attack and stab the young man. I punched him in the face. He dropped the knife and began to run.”

Another eye witness added: “I began to chase after him, shouting ‘Terrorist.’ We saw him get away quickly, and I went back to treat the soldier and to clear a path so the rescue teams could arrive quickly.”

Minister of Internal Security Yitzhak Aharonovich, upon arriving at the scene, was greeted with calls of “Where is the security?” and “Death to the terrorists.”

WATCH: Medics treat the wounded soldier moments after the attack:

A String of Terror Attacks in Israel

Arabs riot and throw rocks at Israeli Border Policemen at the entrance to the Arab village, Kfar Kanna, in Northern Israel, on November 9, 2014. (Photo: Flash90)

Arabs riot and throw rocks at Israeli Border Policemen at the entrance to the Arab village of Kfar Kanna in Northern Israel, on November 9, 2014. (Photo: Flash90)

This is the latest incident in a string of violence perpetrated by Arab terrorists against citizens of Israel. Two Israelis were murdered last week and several were wounded in twin attacks in which Arab terrorists plowed their cars into groups of Israelis.

Rioting continues to wreak havoc throughout Israel, and especially in Jerusalem. On Saturday and Sunday, several thousand Arabs throughout the country demonstrated in protest of the shooting of Kheir Alhamdan, who was shot while attacking Israeli police. Many protesters committed acts of violence, such as throwing rocks and Molotov cocktails. At least 20 anarchists were arrested in these incidents.

Author: Aryeh Savir
Staff Writer, United with Israel