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hostage families

Benefits are to be paid retroactively from October 7 to hostages in lieu of their salaries.

By United with Israel

The Knesset on Sunday approved in second and third readings a bill that compensates hostages for wages missed since October 7.

It is proposed to enshrine in law the monthly benefits granted as a wage replacement for hostages and missing persons.

The amount of the benefit is to be determined according to the average income of the hostage in the three months before he or she went missing, and is to be no less than NIS 7,300 (or NIS 9,500 for a parent), and no more than NIS 50,000.

In any event, person who had no income during the determining period is also eligible to receive a benefit.

It is further proposed that soldiers who are hostages or missing persons will receive an identical benefit from the IDF.

The bill is to be in force until October 2026, and the Minister of Labor will be allowed to extend it by additional periods of 12 months each, subject to the approval of the Knesset Labor and Welfare Committee.

Labor and Welfare Committee Chair MK Israel Eichler (United Torah Judaism) said the bill “is about Jews and foreign nationals who are held as hostages in tunnels in Gaza. What we can do, at the very least, is to give the families and the hostages the help and assistance.”

“Both the opposition and the coalition have recognized the importance of passing this arrangement in legislation,” he continued.

“This is a government bill that enshrines in legislation the provisions pertaining to wage replacement that has been paid until now to hostages and missing persons. Since the provisions of the agreement expire at the beginning of August, it is proposed to enshrine this in legislation.”

The explanatory notes to the bill state, “Given the hostages’ ongoing period of captivity and their inability to earn a living during this period and meet their commitments, the need has arisen to give a response to fulfilling the economic needs of the hostages and the ongoing charges in their bank accounts.”

“In accordance with Government Resolution 1379 from February 4, 2024, it has been determined that a special benefit will be extended to a hostage or missing person, which will be paid retroactively from October 7, 2023, as long as the hostage has not been freed or the fate of the missing person has not become known.”​