
Communists claiming to be anti-racists raised the flag of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, the terrorist group responsible for murdering Jews – and police couldn’t do a thing to stop them.

DuringĀ a protest in London, far-left radicals from the Revolutionary Communist Group and Victory to the Intifada called for the destruction of Israel and raised the flag of the notorious Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), the terrorist group responsible for the butchering of four rabbis and a Druze policeman in a Jerusalem synagogue in 2014, among other murderous acts.

Pro-Israel activists reported the offensive flag to police officers, who tried to remove the flag only to learn that the PFLP itself is not listed as an official terrorist group in Britain.

Watch as police are helpless while these protesters fly the flag of an active terrorist group, freely calling for the destruction of Israel.
