United with Israel

[WEBINAR] Tisha B’av: Why are Jews Still Crying after 2000 Years?


This week’s Torah portion of “Devarim” (Deuteronomy 1:1-3:22) begins Moses’ final sermon, taking place a month before his death and the entry of the Jewish people into the Land of Israel.

In his lengthy speech, Moses reviews many of the experiences – some quite tragic – that the Jewish people endured during their 40 years in the desert.

Besides reviewing highlights from the Torah portion, this class also covers Tisha B’Av, the saddest day on the Jewish calendar.

Tisha B’av is the national day of mourning over the destruction of the two Holy Temples, among other tragedies.

Which sins brought about the destruction of both Temples? Who were Kamtza and Bar Kamtza, said to be responsible for the destruction of the 2nd Temple?

What are the pre-Temple origins of Tisha B’av? How is the day observed? And why are we still crying after 2000 years?

Rabbi Enkin presents a somber but inspirational and eye opening webinar!

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