
CBS news joined the chorus of biased, anti-Israel media outlets that seek to whitewash Palestinian terrorism and portray Israel as the aggressor at a time when Palestinian terrorists are murdering innocent civilians across Israel. Demand from CBS that it adhere to international journalistic standards and ethics and cease its biased reporting!

A CBS news headline on Wednesday’s Palestinian terror attack in Jerusalem that made no mention of the border police casualties drew outrage from Israel. The foreign ministry said the audacity of the original CBS headline, which read “three Palestinians killed as daily violence grinds on,” was unparalled, biased and false.

The Israeli Government Press Office said it was considering rescinding press passes from journalists and editors who are negligent in their work and present headlines that flip reality.

Following the outcry, the headline was changed to read: “Israeli police kill 3 alleged Palestinian attackers,” and ultimately: “Palestinians kill Israeli officer, wound another before being killed.”

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