The Investigative Project on Terrorism (IPT) recently uncovered that US House Minority leader Nancy Pelosi, alongside Democratic Congressional representatives Keith Ellison, Andre Carson, Allyson Schwartz, Chris Murphy, and Steve Israel, the chairman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, attended a secret fundraiser on May 16, 2012, at the W Hotel in Washington, DC alongside 10 officials representing Hamas and Muslim Brotherhood front organizations.
The most prominent among the Islamist attendees was CAIR executive director Nihad Awad, whose association the FBI claims was created by Hamas, and Jamal Barzinji, a founding father of the Muslim Brotherhood in America and co-founder of the Muslim Student Association, which IPT described as an “incubator for Islamic radicalism in America.”
A 2007 US federal court filing asserted that CAIR has conspired with other branches of the Muslim Brotherhood to support terrorism. Because of this, the FBI severed all ties with CAIR in 2008. CAIR’s executive director Nihad Awad, according to IPT, has openly championed Hamas and claimed that suicide bombings are “legitimate resistance.” Nihad Awad worked as public relations director for the Islamic Association for Palestine, that works to “increase the financial and moral support for Hamas and… publicize the savagery of the Jews.”
Both Democratic and Republic Senators and Congressmen have denounced CAIR due to their support for terrorism. Democratic Senator Barbara Boxer of California declared before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Terrorism after rescinding an award she granted to a CAIR official by mistake, “To praise [CAIR] because they haven’t been indicted is like somebody saying, ‘I’m not a crook.’” Charles Schumer, another Democratic Senator, claimed that “we know that CAIR has ties to terrorism. They have intimate links with Hamas.” Republican Congressman Bill Shuster proclaimed, “Time and again CAIR has shown itself to be nothing more than an apologist for groups bent on the destruction of Israel and Islamic domination over the west.”
As for Jamal Barzinji, IPT reported that a federal affidavit asserted that he has very close ties to Hamas and Islamic Jihad. According to a global phone book of Muslim Brotherhood members, Jamal Barzinji is an active member who helped create the extensive network of Muslim Brotherhood-affiliated groups in the U.S. According to the Daily Caller, Barzinji routed money through hidden paths to terrorists, and defrauded the US by “impeding, impairing, obstructing and defeating the lawful government functions of the IRS.”
Nevertheless, despite these known facts, during the fundraiser, IPT reported that Nancy Pelosi sat at the same table with both Barzinji and Awad and stated that the Democratic Party should become the natural home of Muslim Americans, because “Republicans fan the flames of Islamophobia.” She neglected to mention any terrorist attacks carried out by Islamists either within the US or against Americans overseas.
Both Democratic and Republican politicians have praised the work of the Investigative Project on Terrorism. According to Democratic Congressman Brad Shermon, “The Investigative Project was a decade ahead of its time in focusing on the terrorist threat to the United States and to our homeland from Islamic extremism.” Republican Congressman Sue Myrick asserted that IPT is the only group “who is really doing substantial research into what is going on… they are verifying how the radical jihadist movement is taking place.”
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Reported by: Rachel Avraham
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