The US is moving forward, regardless of a possible Iranian violation of the deal, with the implementation of the nuclear agreement with Tehran.
President Barack Obama issued a memorandum ordering his administration to commence preparations for the implementation of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), the nuclear deal with the Islamic Republic.
“I hereby direct you to take all appropriate additional measures to ensure the prompt and effective implementation of the US commitments set forth in the JCPOA,” Obama wrote in the message.
He ordered Secretary of State John Kerry to take action with respect to waivers of relevant sanctions on Iran, which will take effect once Kerry confirms that Iran has implemented the nuclear-related measures specified in the accord.
With their milestone nuclear deal now in effect, Iran and six world powers are focusing on coordinating who needs to do what first for the agreement to be fully implemented.
The agreement was reached July 14 but was officially adopted Sunday. The accord foresees deep cuts in Iranian nuclear programs in exchange for sanctions relief.
Senior officials from all seven countries met Monday in Vienna on sequencing.
The United States expects Iran will take months to live up to its end of the deal. US officials insist that no relief from the penalties will occur until the UN’s International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has verified Iran’s compliance with the terms of the agreement.
They say Iran’s work will almost certainly take more than the two months Tehran has projected.
By: United with Israel Staff and AP

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