

United with Israel is proud to sponsor its 7th annual Chanukah party with IDF soldiers to honor the brave men and women who risk their lives to defend the citizens of Israel.

On Wednesday evening, December 13, 2017, the second night of Chanukah, American and Israeli families will visit a unique, state-of-the-art anti-terror training base in the vicinity of Jerusalem to celebrate Chanukah, say ‘thank you’ to Israeli soldiers and present them with special Chanukah gifts.

Israelis throughout the country have become targets for stabbings, shootings and car-rammings during the most recent waves of Palestinian terror.

The types of military exercizes taking place on this base are truly beyond imagination. Soldiers are being trained in 100% realistically simulated environments to combat every form of terror.

Although details cannot be shared publicly at this time, attendees of this year’s party will walk away with unbelievable memories and a deep understanding of how security forces are being prepared for the latest threats to Israeli citizens. It suffices to say that there will be many “surprises” in store for this year’s attendees, so don’t miss it!

The event will feature music, dancing, a delicious Chanukah barbeque, sufganiot (jelly donuts), and the lighting of the Chanukah Menorah. The soldiers will light a truly amazing Menorah that was created from the remains of Hamas rockets that exploded in Israel. Nearly 20,000 rockets have been fired from Gaza since the second intifada in 2001. An Israeli artist has transformed these missiles of terror into something of unique beauty and light!

givati idf soldiers

The soldiers who will join us to celebrate Chanukah have been stationed throughout different strategic posts across the country. They include some of Israel’s toughest fighters in the most elite border patrol anti-terror combat units.

These young men and women form an integral part of Israel’s front line against terror and have helped to prevent numerous attacks against Israelis. They greatly deserve our expressions of thanks!

They are outside most of the day and get very cold in the winter, just like we all would!

IDF Warm Winter

A special ceremony will be held in honor of the soldiers in which ‘Warm Winter’ care packages from ‘United with Israel’ supporters will be given to the soldiers. Personal letters from admirers all around the world will be presented as expressions of gratitude and unity.

idf chanukah party

If you are interested in attending, buses will be leaving from Ramat Bet Shemesh on Wednesday, December 13 at 2:30pm. The minimum donation is $20 (or 80 NIS) per person and includes transportation plus a special Chanukah dinner with the soldiers. Donations above minimum amount are greatly appreciated! Because spaces are very limited, payment must be made at the time of your reservation.

For more information about the event, or to make a reservation, please email us at:

If you are interested in sending a Chanukah gift and writing a personal letter of support to a soldier, or in becoming a sponsor of the Chanukah party, CLICK HERE.

We are honored to thank the brave young soldiers who risk their lives every day to protect and defend the People of Israel.

Please JOIN US in saying ‘THANK YOU’ to our beloved soldiers. Send your gift Today!








