Gaza terrorists launched another short-range Kassam rocket attack on Jewish communities in the western Negev Sunday morning.

The missile exploded on the Eshkol Regional Council district, but for some reason it failed to trigger the Color Red incoming rocket alert system, which did not sound a warning.

Nevertheless, no one was injured and no damage was reported.

The attack follows a week in which there were four missiles aimed deeper into Israel’s soft southern region.

On Friday, two rockets exploded in the area of Netivot. A third Kassam apparently never made it out of Gaza and instead exploded within the Hamas terrorist-ruled territory.

Terrorists fired a mortar at Israeli targets on Saturday. As with the Friday attacks, no one was injured and no damage was reported.

Earlier in the week, Gaza terrorists launched an attack with two long-range Grad-type Katyusha missiles at Be’er Sheva, the largest city in the Israeli south. One exploded in the small backyard of a home, causing considerable damage and trauma. Six adults and four children were taken to Soroka Hospital suffering with severe anxiety following the attack.

The same day, a mortar shell was fired at IDF troops patrolling along the security fence, and five more mortar shells were fired by Gaza terrorists at Jewish communities in the Gaza Belt region.

IAF Retaliates
Throughout the Sabbath, the Israeli Air Force retaliated for the attacks by conducting air strikes on terror targets in Gaza.

Two such targets were struck in the central Gaza area. In addition, IAF aircraft bombed a terrorist tunnel intended for infiltration into Israel to carry out attacks against civilians and IDF soldiers.

Two other terrorist activity sites were struck in southern Gaza as well.


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