Jordanian soldiers. (AP/Hussein Malla) (AP/Hussein Malla)
Jordanian soldiers


The pilot reportedly said he wanted to fight Israel, not visit it. 

A Jordanian pilot has reportedly been dismissed from active duty after refusing to travel to Israel as part of a joint military collaboration with the Jewish State.

According to a report in the Jerusalem Post on Wednesday that quotes Israeli sources and the Jordanian media, the pilot, Majdi al-Samdi, told his commanders “I was trained as a pilot not to cooperate with Israel, but to fight it.”

The news elicited angered responses from Jordanian social media users.

Jordanian officials did not comment on the incident, and it was publicized by al-Samdi’s family, who are upset about his dismissal and by the lesser terms of his discharge.

According to reports, the family will continue to rally the public to its side “with the goal of ending Jordan’s relations with Israel.”

By: United with Israel Staff

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