IDF soldiers at the site of a terror attack in Hebron in December. (AP/Nasser Shiyoukhi) (AP/Nasser Shiyoukhi)
IDF attack

Two Palestinian terrorists stabbed and wounded an IDF soldier on Sunday in the Palestinian town of Hawara, south of Shechem (Nablus) in Samaria.

IDF soldiers were stationed in the town to prevent attacks against Israel motorists driving on its main route when the terrorists ran towards the unit with drawn knives and stab one of them, lightly wounding him in the face.

Another soldier sustained moderate gunshot wounds in his leg, apparently from friendly fire during the attack.

The victims were treated on-site by medical teams and then evacuated to an Israeli hospital.

The soldiers shot both terrorists dead.

Just an hour before this attack, Israeli security forces were successful in thwarting a stabbing attack in Jerusalem’s Old City.

Border Police patrolling the streets stopped a Palestinian who aroused their suspicion and asked for his identification card. He drew a knife and attempted to stab them, but they were successful in subduing him and then arrested him.

These terror incidents were preceded by several similar incidents on Sunday morning, and of note a terror attack in which a Palestinian terrorist stabbed and wounded an IDF soldier at the entrance to Jerusalem. The soldier was treated for light wounds, while the terrorist was arrested.

These incidents were the latest in a long series of almost-daily Palestinian terror attacks – some more than once a day – that have plagued Israelis over the course of three months, claiming the lives of 23 victims and wounding over 230.

By: Max Gelber, United with Israel 

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