Palestinian Authority head Mahmoud Abbas (Yonatan Sindel/Flash90) (Yonatan Sindel/Flash90)
Mahmoud Abbas
Armon Hanatziv

Medical teams remove the body of one the casualties of a terror attack on a bus in Armon Hanetziv on Oct. 13. (Yonatan Sindel/Flash90)

In what can only be perceived as support for terrorism, Abbas welcomed families of 11 terrorists who recently committed terrorist attacks against Israelis and whose bodies are still held by Israel.

Only hours after three Palestinian terrorists murdered an Israeli Border Policewoman and seriously wounded another at the entrance to Jerusalem’s Old City on Wednesday, Palestinian Authority (PA) head Mahmoud Abbas made a public support for terrorism when he met with families of terrorists in Ramallah.

Abbas welcomed families of 11 terrorists who recently committed terrorist attacks against Israelis and whose bodies are still held by Israel, Arab media reported.

Israel’s Ynet reports that the family of Baha Aliyan from Jerusalem was in attendance. Aliyan boarded a bus in Jerusalem in October and stabbed and shot Israelis, murdering Haviv Haim, 78, Alon Govberg, 51, and Richard Lakin, 76.

Alaa Abu Jamal’s family was also there. He committed a combined vehicular and stabbing attack in Jerusalem on the same day as Aliyan did. After ramming his car into his victims, he exited the car with a butcher knife and attacked them, murdering Rabbi Yeshayahu Krishevsky, 60.

The families demanded Abbas act to return the bodies. He told them that the PA was making great efforts to have Israel release the bodies. Israel has already released several of the bodies of other terrorists killed while murdering Israelis.

Abbas stressed in the meeting that the families “have a right to bury their sons,” whom he praised as “Shahids” (Muslim martyrs), and criticized what he called the exhausting conditions Israel sets in an alleged effort to sabotage the release of the bodies for burial.

The term “martyr” in this context is one of Islamic glorification, used for national heroes and those who have died while waging Jihad, Muslim holy war, against the infidels, meaning Jews or Christians.

Abbas’ use of this term to describe the terrorists indicates that he condones and supports their murderous actions.

The Palestinian Authority did not try to hide the meeting, and the official Palestinian news agency reported on it.

Abbas has previously displayed public support for terrorists and terrorism, thus inciting to further acts of terrorism and perpetuating the wave of almost-daily violent Palestinian attacks which have claimed 30 lives and wounded some 300.

By: United with Israel Staff

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