The Six Day War of 1967 was a miraculous victory for the State of Israel and the Jewish people. Numerous books describe the Six Day War in detail; for example: Six Days of War: June 1967 and the Making of the Modern Middle East, by Michael Oren (Presidio Press, 2003). Following is a chronology.

Events leading up to the Six Day War

Mid-May: Egypt begins troop movements in Sinai.
May 18: Egyptian President Nasser orders UN Emergency Forces to leave Sinai.
May 23: Nasser closes the Straits of Tiran to Israeli shipping and moves an estimated 130,000 troops to Sinai.
May 30: Jordan signs a defense pact with Egypt, enabling Egyptian command of the Jordanian Legion.
June 2: Israel forms national unity government.

6 Days in June 1967

June 5, 1967
Morning: Israel attacks Egyptian air force. Jordan bombs Jerusalem and center of country. Iraq and Jordan try aerial bombardment of Tel Aviv. Israel infantry crosses southern Gaza. Syria attacks Haifa by air.
Midday: Israel bombs Iraqi air base.
Afternoon: IAF attacks Cairo airport and destroys combat aircraft hidden along with civilian planes. Israel captures UN headquarters in Jerusalem.
Israel armor reaches El Arish in northern Sinai, finishing operation there. Israeli armor crosses border near Ta’anch settlements in Jezreel Valley. Meanwhile IAF destroys most of the Syrian air force.
Israel Navy reaches Alexandria and Port Said. IDF captures several Jordanian positions. Syria bombs Rosh Pina in Israel’s north.

June 6, 1967
Morning: IDF captures northern Gaza Strip. Ground forces capture police outpost in Latrun (between Jerusalem and Tel Aviv) and closes the road from Jerusalem to Ramallah. Syria continues bombing the north and tries to attack several northern settlements. Jordan attacks the Dotan Valley north of Shechem.
Midday: IDF completes Gaza operation. Amunition Hill captured in northern Jerusalem. Jenin surrenders. Dotan Valley fighting ends. Qalqilya, Abu Tor and Ramallah are captured by IDF.
Evening: Egyptian army retreats. Jordanian Arab Legion retreats from West Bank.

June 7, 1967
Morning: Fighting on Egyptian and Jordanian fronts. Syria continues bombing northern border. Jerusalem’s Old City is liberated.
Midday: Israel Navy reaches Sharm el Sheikh (southern tip of Sinai). Tulkarem (east of Netanya) and Shechem conquered. Jordan issues final general retreat. Bir Gafgafa airfield (east of Suez in central Sinai) captured.
Evening: Mitla Pass (east of Suez) is closed. IDF captures Gush Etzion (south of Jerusalem) and Jericho (east of Jerusalem). Egypt rejects UN ceasefire initiative.

June 8, 1967
Morning: Egyptian armor attacks IDF at Bir Gafgafa. IDF takes Hebron. Syrian bombing continues in the north. IDF Central and Southern commands meet west of Hebron. Fighting continues in Sinai.
Midday: Israel destroys bridges over Jordan River.
Afternoon: Egypt accepts ceasefire.

June 9, 1967
Overnight: IDF armor reaches Suez Canal. Minister of Defense Moshe Dayan orders attack on Golan Heights.
Morning: IDF advances toward Syrian lines in northern Golan Heights. Heavy fighting results in IDF victories. In Egypt President Nasser blames US for loss and resigns. Resignation is reversed.

June 10, 1967
Fighting continues in Syria. Kuneitra (southwest Syria in Golan Heights) and Massadeh (Druze village between Mt. Hermon and Sea of Galilee) fall.

June 12, 1967
Mt. Hermon and village of Majdal Shams captured by IDF.

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