Police are searching for the perpetrators of a Palestinian terror attack in Jerusalem that caused damage to a home but no casualties.

Palestinian terrorists threw four Motolov cocktails at a Jerusalem home overnight, causing structural damage. No one was hurt.

Police are searching for the assailants in the wake of a Palestinian terror attack in Jerusalem’s Armon Hanatziv neighborhood, where terrorists threw firebombs at a home overnight Thursday.

A window was damaged, but there were no injuries.

The projectiles were thrown from the Jabel Mukaber neighborhood, a hotbed of Palestinian terror.

Police have set up roadblocks in the area in search of culprits. They “expect that the local authorities will demonstrate responsibility and leadership, and that they will call for restoring the peace. As soon as the security situation is stabilized, police will ease their actions,” read an official statement, Arutz-7 reported.

Checkpoints were also set up in order to allow innocent residents to continue their daily routine while security checks passing cars.

During the search, four Palestinians from Hebron were arrested on suspicion of residing illegally in Jerusalem.

By: Terri Nir, United with Israel

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