MDA medica in action. (Yonatan Sindel/Flash90) (Yonatan Sindel/Flash90)

Israel is lending its vast experience, teaching medical teams from around the world how to save lives at the scene of disaster.

Israeli emergency medical experts are training medical teams in several countries around the world, lending their expertise on how to contend with mass casualty incidents.

Last week, representatives from Israel’s Magen David Adom (MDA) emergency medical service arrived in Ecuador, where, on Wednesday, members of the Ministry of Health and the Ecuadorian Red Cross arranged a Mass Casualty Incident (MCI) in order to gain from Israel’s knowledge and improve the local EMT system. The drill was based on the scenario of the collapse of a multi-story building, with many trapped and 70 injured.

Representatives of the Ecuadorian Ministry of Health built, for the drill, a special facility which represented the disaster scene and allowed for advanced rescue. At the end of the exercise, the combined teams built a guide on how to deal with these events.

The delegation, organized by MDA and the Israel Agency for International Development Cooperation (MASHAV) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, was tasked with improving the pre-hospital medical system as a part of the lessons learned from the disastrous earthquake which struck Ecuador last April.

“Magen David Adom is part of the International Red Cross and is always prepared to lend a hand and assist anywhere in the world,” stated  MDA Director General Eli Bin. “Our knowledge and experience we share anywhere necessary in order to save lives. We are happy to use our experience to assist Ecuador build a strong EMT system that can deal with Mass Casualty Incidents.”

MDA has, unfortunately, accumulated vast experience in managing mass casualty incidents over the years, especially in response to massive Palestinian terror attacks.

This week, MDA hosted doctors, nurses, paramedics and EMTs from around the globe at a conference focusing on mass medical emergencies.

Participants from the US, Italy, the UK, India, and Canada attended seminars by some of Israel’s most experienced emergency medicine professionals. Participants also toured MDA stations and played an active role in a multi-casualty incident exercise simulating a bus explosion, implementing knowledge they had acquired throughout the seminar.

By: Max Gelber, United with Israel

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