The Israeli UNESCO envoy calls the virulently anti-Israel UN agency the “Titanic” of international organizations, sinking under the weight of its highly politicized agenda.

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) recently renovated the headquarters of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in Paris and, in celebration of the new hall, distributed a medal to every member nation, except the Jewish state.

UNESCO, which allows anti-Western dictatorships the same votes as democratic states, has a shameful and lengthy record of blatantly anti-Semitic resolutions by majority vote.

The outright bias displayed in the dedication of the new hall reached a new low, though, sparking a sharp, and very entertaining, response from Carmel Shama-Hacohen, the Israeli delegate to that world body.

Watch as he compares the club of dictators enjoying their anti-Semitic dedication of the new petro-dollar-funded UNESCO hall to the unwitting passengers dining in the well-appointed Titanic before its demise. Find out about the iceberg that UNESCO is barreling toward, full-steam ahead.

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