Palestinians inaugurate a square to commemorate female terrorist Dalal Mughrabi. (AP/Majdi Mohammed) (AP/Majdi Mohammed)
Dalal Mughrabi

A Palestinian female student group chose to promote terrorism on International Women’s Day.

By: United with Israel Staff

The Palestinians have utilized another day that promotes rights and equality internationally to promote terrorism and their love of death.

Shabiba, Fatah’s student movement, and its female students’ committee “Sisters of Dalal,” named after infamous female terrorist murderer Dalal Mughrabi, saw International Women’s Day as an appropriate time to glorify Mughrabi, who led the most lethal terror attack in Israel’s history, the 1978 Coastal Road massacre, in which Palestinian terrorists hijacked a bus and subsequently murdered 37 Israelis, including 12 children, and wounded some 70 others.

At the Palestinian An-Najah University in Shechem (Nablus), the “Sisters of Dalal” gave out cards to female workers and students to celebrate Women’s Day.

“In honor of March 8 (International Women’s Day), and in honor of the soul of the Martyr of March Dalal Mughrabi, Surround yourself with great things, And ignore those who do not believe in you, As you are half of the universe and even more,” the text read, according to a translation by the Plaestinian Media Watch (PMW).

Posting on Facebook about the event, Fatah’s Shabiba “wrote” to the terrorist Dalal, emphasizing that Fatah women are “your sisters.”

“To the Bride of March, to the Martyr whose name we bear, Dalal Mughrabi. In honor of March 8, to half of the universe and even more. All of the love and honor on Women’s Day. Your sisters, the Sisters of Dalal Mughrabi,” the post read.

Fatah has a Sisters of Dalal committee at several Palestinian universities, among them An-Najah University, Palestine Ahliya University, Al-Azhar University, Birzeit University, and Palestine University of Bethlehem.

This incident was the latest show of Palestinian incitement to terror in accordance with the Palestinian Authority’s policy of presenting terrorists as role models for Palestinian youth, with Mughrabi constantly presented as a national hero.

Last year, a women’s center in the Palestinian village of Burqa was named after Mughrabi.

Not only does the facility’s name glorify the murderer, the very purpose of the center itself is to educate youth about Mughrabi’s terror attack.

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