“Green Without Borders would be a great name for an environmental organization. Too bad Hezbollah made it up to disguise their terror activity along the Israel-Lebanon border,” the IDF tweeted.

By: United with Israel Staff

The IDF on Monday exposed another surveillance position utilized by the Hezbollah terror organization and operating under the name “Green Without Borders.”

Green Without Borders is a fictitious environmental society which serves as a cover for Hezbollah’s terror activities, the IDF said.

“This is not a voluntary governmental organization, not a green organization that preserves forests, but a Hezbollah organization that provides cover stories for the establishment of observation posts and activity on the contact line [with Israel],” a senior IDF official in the Northern command stated.

Over the past year, the IDF has been closely monitoring Hezbollah’s observations posts located along the border. Five “Green Without Borders” outposts were uncovered in 2017.

The newly exposed “position is tasked with deepening Hezbollah’s “intelligence and knowledge picture” of Israel, the IDF said.

“This is a blatant violation of UN Resolution 1701, which forbids the presence of any armed group besides the Lebanese army south of the Litani River,” the senior IDF official added. “The Hezbollah terrorist organization violates this resolution on an ongoing basis, moving on the fence while armed, spying on Israeli territory and establishing military infrastructure near the border – all under civilian guise.”

UNSC Resolution 1701 was passed in 2006 at the conclusion of the Second Lebanon War. It called for a full cessation of hostilities, a withdrawal by Hezbollah to behind the Litani River (Blue Line) and for the government of Lebanon and the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) to deploy their forces in the South. The resolution has been breached by Hezbollah on multiple occasions.

“Hezbollah is acting like someone who thinks the IDF is not aware of its activities,” the IDF source said. “Hezbollah is preventing UN forces in the region from examining these positions, claiming that this is a private area and thus preventing any examination of the violation of Resolution 1701.”

The IDF vowed to act against any Hezbollah actions that would harm Israelis.

“’Green Without Borders’ would be a great name for an environmental organization. Too bad Hezbollah made it up to disguise their terror activity along the Israel-Lebanon border,” the IDF tweeted after exposing the observation post.

Evidence Shown to UN

Israel has previously exposed Green Without Borders as a Hezbollah cover.

Israel’s Ambassador to the UN Danny Danon in June 2017 presented evidence to the Security Council (UNSC) revealing that the Lebanon-based Hezbollah terrorist group has established a series of outposts along the border with Israel under the guise of an agricultural organization.

The alleged agricultural NGO, Green Without Borders, is funded by and operates on behalf of Hezbollah, Israel charges.

In a letter sent to UNSC members, Danon explained that in April 2017, a UNIFIL patrol was denied access by a group of locals to an observation post flying the ‘Green Without Borders’ flag.

“The well-documented proof of Hezbollah’s dangerous provocation verifies that Hezbollah conducts reconnaissance activity near the Blue Line [the UN-drawn boundary between Lebanon and Israel] and disguises it as civilian activity, in clear violation of UNSC resolutions 1701 and 1559,” Danon stated.

He warned that “Hezbollah’s continued military buildup and destabilizing activities in southern Lebanon have serious repercussions on both regional stability and the ability of the Lebanese government to effectively control its country.”

“The international community cannot continue to turn a blind eye to Hezbollah’s flagrant violations of UNSC resolutions,” the ambassador continued. He concluded his letter by calling on the UNSC to demand that the government of Lebanon dismantle these observation posts immediately.

Israel has previously protested Hezbollah’s violations of the ceasefire and presented evidence to the UN proving that the terror organization is utilizing the civilian setting in the area to prepare and launch another attack on Israel.

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