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Facebook removes PMW exposure of terror promotion but leaves numerous Fatah posts glorifying murderers and promoting terror untouched.

By Nan Jacques Zilberdik and Itamar Marcus, Palestinian Media Watch

Last week, Palestinian Media Watch exposed an animated video on the social media network TikTok that showed reenactments of four real terror attacks against Israelis. After PMW’s exposure, TikTok did the right thing and promptly removed the video from its network.

By contrast, Facebook decided to remove PMW’s exposure of the same video, claiming PMW had “violated its community standards.” However, this was not violent content created by PMW, but PMW’s exposure of such content made and published on social media by others!

This would be comical if it was not so outrageous.

For years, PMW has documented the promotion and glorification of terror and murderers of Israelis by Abbas’ Fatah Movement on Facebook. But Facebook has chosen to turn a blind eye. Since the beginning of 2019, PMW has urged Facebook to remove such posts and close Fatah’s page because of the content glorifying terror and violence, but Facebook has ignored PMW’s documentation and actively decided to let Fatah continue promoting violence and glorifying terrorists.

PMW has documented Fatah’s violation of Facebook’s community standards in two major reports: Fatah’s official Facebook page in 2018 – A platform for glorifying murder and promoting terror, documenting Fatah’s misuse of the page in 2018, and the Fatah-Facebook Terror Promotion Partnership, showing Fatah’s continued misuse of the page and Facebook’s facilitation of it during 2019. Additional PMW reports have documented that throughout 2019 and in 2020 Facebook has continued to willingly let Fatah use Facebook as a platform for terror glorification and violence promotion.

Facebook is making a clear statement: There is terror promotion that it rejects, and there is terror promotion that it embraces. Facebook clearly has embraced Fatah’s terror promotion.

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