Adam Elayan. (Canary Mission/Twitter) Canary Mission/Twitter
Adam Elayan



This dental student’s “posts present an obsession with conveying hatred for Jews, relaying anti-Semitic tropes and posturing about a desire to harm Jews physically,” warned a leading watchdog.

Pro-Israel advocacy group StandWithUs sent a letter last week to Tufts University’s president and the dean of its dental school, Anthony Monaco and Nadeem Karimbux, warning that dental student Adam Elayan’s tweets “should raise immediate concern.”

“Elayan’s online posts present an apparent obsession with conveying hatred for Jews, relaying anti-Semitic tropes about Jews and posturing about a desire to harm Jews physically,” said StandWithUs.

His tweets reportedly include the following:
– “I will f***in cremate you Jewish b**ch.”
– “Can’t stand the yahood [Jews] here.”

StandWithUs also flagged Elayan’s “hatred of Zionism, which is a core part of Jewish identity,” referring to tweets including “Every certain trait I hate about people stems from the average personality of Zionists”; “I do not refer to Zionists as human beings. They are of primitive standards, comparable to the Neanderthal”; and, “They steal your whole country, that’s a Zionist.”

The watchdog group noted that Jews are “an identifiable category of patients whom he undoubtedly will encounter during his practice of dentistry … [and he] will be able to make significant health-care decisions for a population he appears to detest and desires to harm.”

“The vile, discriminatory and anti-Semitic tweets attributed to Mr. Elayan make it nearly impossible to believe that such an individual could serve as a competent dental professional,” said StandWithUs. “Mr. Elayan’s allegedly repeated behavior highlights an obvious fixation with and contempt for Jews. It also raises serious doubts about whether he possesses the competence and compassion necessary to practice dentistry.”

As StandWithUs demanded in its letter last week, Tufts must “immediately investigate whether Mr. Elayan may have violated, at a minimum, the following applicable rules and provisions and, if he has, to institute immediate repercussions.”

Now is the time for you tell Tufts that if Elayan violated the American Dental Association Principles of Ethics and Code of Professional Conduct and Tufts University School of Dental Medicine’s code of values, in must take action and remove Elyan from the institution.

Send a respectful message to one of the recipients below, or use the following template:

Dear Sir, I am writing to request that you take action with regard to a dental student who has promoted violent anti-Semitic messages online. If Adam Elayan violated the American Dental Association Principles of Ethics and Code of Professional Conduct and Tufts University School of Dental Medicine’s code of values you must take action and remove him from the institution.

1. Send a message to Tufts University’s President Anthony Monaco by clicking here.

2. Send a message to Tufts University’s President Anthony Monaco on Twitter by clicking here.

3. Send a message to the Dean of Tufts University’s dental school Nadeem Karimbux at:

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