Anti-Israel protest in Haifa in solidarity with hunger-striking Islamic Jihad terrorist, Oct. 17, 2020. (Screenshot) (Screenshot)
anti-Israel Arab-israeli protest


Police were tipped-off by the Arab Desk of the pro-Israel watchdog organization Im Tirtzu, which submitted a formal complaint and provided translated material.

By Im Tirtzu 

The Israel Police announced on Saturday night that it arrested an Israeli-Arab man from the town of Daburiyya on suspicion of inciting to murder Jews during a protest held on Saturday in Haifa, Israel Hayom reported.

During the protest, which was held in solidarity with hunger-striking Islamic Jihad terrorist Maher al-Akhras, the suspect was heard calling to murder Jews and kidnap IDF soldiers.

“The police in Haifa arrested a short time ago a resident of the north who issued calls of incitement against Jews during a protest, including calls to become shahids [martyrs], to murder Jews, and to kidnap soldiers,” the Israel Police spokesperson said in a statement.

The protest was organized by the extreme “Hirak Haifa” group, which regularly holds anti-Israel protests in Haifa.

The police were tipped-off by the Arab Desk of the pro-Israel watchdog organization Im Tirtzu, which submitted a formal complaint to the police and provided them with translated material of the incitement.

“We will not stand idly by while Israeli citizens incite to murder other citizens,” Im Tirtzu’s Arab Desk said. “Inciting to murder Jews and IDF soldiers cannot be taken lightly, and the authorities should demand the maximum punishment for this criminal. Im Tirtzu’s Arab Desk will continue to monitor and report on these inciting protests and ensure that they do not go under the radar.”

Ofek Dvir, Im Tirtzu’s Technion branch coordinator who submitted the police complaint, congratulated the police for arresting the suspect.

“We are pleased that the police responded to our complaint and arrested this man who called to harm Israeli citizens. Every citizen needs to know that inciting against our citizens and soldiers is a line that cannot be crossed,” Dvir added.



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