United With Israel builds desperately needed bomb shelters for rocket-affected communities in southern Israel.
Palestinians in Gaza routinely fire Qassam rockets at Jewish communities in southern Israel, creating a constant state of terror in the area. As a result, Israeli children frequently suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder, the product of innumerable sleepless nights of fear. The lack of bomb shelters in southern Israel makes the situation even worse, leaving countless Israelis without adequate protection from Palestinian rocket fire. In response to this crisis, United With Israel has stepped in by building the bomb shelters these communities so desperately need.
In a recent example of United With Israel’s efforts, the organization built two bomb shelters in a kindergarten in Netivot that previously lacked shelters. Prior to bomb shelter construction, many parents were hesitant to send their children to school. The children, parents, and teachers, are extremely grateful for the enhanced personal safety these shelters provide. By routinely building bomb shelters, United With Israel helps ensure that no Jewish parent will ever worry that their child might face rocket fire unprotected.
In addition to Netivot, United With Israel installed two bomb shelters on the outskirts of Ashkelon, one of which is near an infirmary that serves elderly patients. Prior to the bomb shelters’ installation, patients had to be evacuated to other cities, which caused enormous hardship and stress. Thanks to United With Israel’s bomb shelters, the elderly patients can remain in Ashkelon where they receive necessary medical treatment.