Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had warned against "bad deal" with Iran. (Photo: Emil Salman/Flash90) Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had warned against "bad deal" with Iran. (Photo: Emil Salman/Flash90)

Iran is perilously close to having weapons-grade nuclear material!

Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu is working feverishly to prevent a “very bad deal” between Iran and the P5+1 nations, under which the Islamic Republic would maintain its capacity to build a nuclear bomb while being relieved of crippling economic sanctions. As widely reported, he has pleaded with the world on several occasions regarding the implications of a nuclear Iran, including most recently – following the first round of negotiations in Geneva between Iran and the P5+1 nations – on CBS News and at the General Assembly of Jewish Federations in Jerusalem.

Any agreement with Iran that would allow it to maintain even a residual capacity to enrich uranium is extremely dangerous, Netanyahu has insisted.

The deal under negotiation allows Iran to retain “all of that capacity. Not one centrifuge is dismantled. Not one,” he exclaimed.

Yet the deal would remove the very sanctions that brought Iran to the negotiating table. Countries wanting to begin trading again with Iran would be given the go-ahead.

“This gives Iran several billion dollars’ worth of direct assistance, opens up petrol chemicals, opens up gold, diamonds and other things,” Netanyahu said.

“Iranians know that the moment you open the door lowering sanctions, all international companies will run in and not be going back,” concurred Finance Minister Yair Lapid in a BBC interview, according to the Jerusalem Post. The newspaper also quoted Opposition leader Shelly Yacimovich, who said: “Iran is relieved and able to resume arming at any moment.”

Economy Minister Naftali Bennett, a member of Israel’s Security Council, is in the US to lobby against the deal. He told Fox News:

“Today is the day to stop a potential nuclear 9/11.

In 2006, Iran had 164 centrifuges. Against the conditions then set out by the UN, Iran continued to increase its nuclear capability and is now in possession of 18,500 centrifuges!

“We do not want to pause production. We want to dismantle their entire production machine,” Bennett stated.

“The easing of sanctions [on Iran] is a tremendous concession,” Netanyahu said. “A nuclear-armed Iran would be as dangerous as 50 North Koreas!”

While Israel would be first on Iran’s list, countries around the world would be under threat of annihilation and subjugation by radical dictators.

Justice Minister Tzipi Livni, in agreement with Netanyahu on this issue, said there can be no compromise, including easing of sanctions, without totally removing Iran’s capability to produce a nuclear bomb. “It is important to exploit the effect of the sanctions in order to achieve a good and effective agreement,” she said.

“Israel is united in opposition to the deal being offered to Iran,” Netanyahu asserted. “We are speaking in a clear and unequivocal voice. The time that was achieved over the weekend must be utilized to achieve a much better deal…. This is important not just for Israel but for the entire world. We will continue to say this simple truth in a clear voice because this is what needs to be done. When it comes to things that are so essential and fateful for the future and security of Israel, and for the peace of the world, one must speak clearly and thus we are doing in order to prevent a bad deal.”

Not only are Israeli leaders across the political spectrum united in their opposition to the deal under negotiation; even many Arab leaders fear Iran’s nuclear proliferation.

“And when you have the Arabs and Israelis speaking in one voice, it doesn’t happen very often, I think it is worth paying attention to,” Netanyahu pointed out. “It’s a bad and dangerous deal that…affects our survival.”

“I always said that the combination of crippling sanctions and a military option…has the power to stop Iran,” the Israeli leader asserted. “I think it’s important to have steady nerves and a firm purpose and stop this program. We can do it!”

Author: Atara Beck, Senior Writer, United with Israel
Date: Nov. 11, 2013

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