Palestinian Islamic Jihad member with a fire extinguisher rigged as an IED. (Twitter) Twitter
Palestinian Islamic Jihad member with a fire extinguisher rigged as an IED


Leave it to terrorists from Palestinian Islamic Jihad to take an essential, lifesaving device and turn it into an object of death and destruction.

By United with Israel Staff

Instead of spending their time working to improve their communities, Palestinian terrorists continue to focus their efforts on developing new ways to kill Israelis.

One of their favored recent tactics is turning fire extinguishers, which are designed to save lives, into deadly improvised explosive devices (IEDs).

To put this sick practice into perspective, a study carried out by the Fire Extinguishing Trades Association (FETA) and the Independent Fire Engineering and Distributors Association (IFEDA) determined that in 80% of fires, portable fire extinguishers successfully extinguished the blaze, and in 75% of those cases the fire department didn’t even need to arrive on scene.

This means that Palestinian terrorists not only endanger Israelis with their IEDs, they also deprive innocent Arabs of lifesaving devices.

“These particular IEDs are routinely used in [Judea and Samaria] against Israeli security forces,” reported Joe Truzman of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies (FDD) on Wednesday.

Truzman is an expert in Mideast security and is abreast of the reality-on-the-ground among Palestinian terror groups.

He posted images and a video of Palestinian IEDs this week.

Keeping Tabs on Terrorists

In December 2022, FDD introduced an interactive map that provides much needed context and presents objective facts as violent Palestinian factions intensify attacks on Israelis in Judea and Samaria

According to the FDD, “[The tool] shows the timing and location of violence perpetrated by Palestinian terrorists as well as responses from Israeli security forces.”

Truzman was the FDD analyst behind the map and described the backdrop against which the organization developed the tool.

“A mosaic of terrorist groups — many backed by the Islamic Republic of Iran — has found [Judea an Samaria] ripe ground for plotting violence and attacking Israelis,” explained Truzman. “After a major increase in terrorist attacks in Israel in early 2022, it became clear to the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) that the Palestinian Authority (PA) lost control of parts of the West Bank. Israeli security forces launched ‍Operation Break the Wave on March 31, 2022, in an effort to contain the unrest.”

The map, which is continually updated, presents events, locations, and links to analysis by leading experts, such as Truzman.

The starting point for the logged events on the map is the beginning of Operation Break the Wave (aka Operation Wave Breaker), which the IDF initiated in the spring amid a spike in Palestinian terror attacks that has racked up a death toll of 31 lives.

To date, Israeli security forces have arrested more than 2,500 suspects and eliminated many of the most dangerous Palestinians terrorists while they perpetrated violence.

Truzman explained to Israeli media that the map’s goal is to demonstrate the extent to which Palestinian violence has spread, and confront the misconception that terror factions operate primarily in Shechem (Nablus) and Jenin.

The FDD is a “non-partisan research institute focusing on national security and foreign policy.”

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