Israeli security forces guard while Jews visit the Temple Mount, in Jerusalem's Old City, during the Passover holiday, April 10, 2023. Photo by Naama Stern/Flash90 Naama Stern/Flash90
Temple Mount

CNN doesn’t seem to know what the definition of provocation is.

It’s well known that the media loves to use Israel as its punching bag, but sometimes the blatant bias against the Jewish state is too much to ignore.

In recent weeks, the Temple Mount has been hijacked by violent Palestinian rioters who have defiled the holy site with every intention of harming Jews. On the flip side, Jews visited Judasim’s holiest site and peacefully passed through and even prayed.

Normal people would obviously see who the provocateur is. However, CNN seems to think Jews peacefully visiting Temple Mount is the provocation.

ACT News exposed the network’s anti-Israel bias and shines a light on its blatant antisemitism.

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