Israeli President Isaac Herzog speaks to a joint session of Congress, Wednesday, July 19, 2023, at the Capitol in Washington, as Vice President Kamala Harris and House Speaker Kevin McCarthy of Calif., look on.(AP Photo/Stephanie Scarbrough) (AP Photo/Stephanie Scarbrough)
Herzog, US Congress

Israeli president highlights the bond and mutual reliance of the United States and Israel on each other, emphasizing the importance of their strategic partnership for regional stability and security.

During his address to the US Congress on July 19th, Israel’s President Isaac Herzog expressed the significance of the longstanding alliance between the two nations, declaring, “It is clear that America is irreplaceable to Israel, and Israel is irreplaceable to America.”

His words underscore the deep bond and mutual reliance of the two countries on each other, emphasizing the importance of their strategic partnership in promoting regional stability and security.

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