Police at the scene of the terror attack in Maale Adumim (Photo by Chaim Goldberg/Flash90) (Photo by Chaim Goldberg/Flash90)
Palestinian terror


The Abraham Initiative reports an unprecedented surge in Arab-Israeli homicides, with 244 lives lost in 2023, highlighting a concerning escalation in violence and crime.

By Pesach Benson, TPS

In 2023, a record number of Arab-Israelis, 244, were murdered, the Abraham Initiative announced on Sunday.

“The year 2023 ending today is the most violent ever in the Arab society in Israel.

Unfortunately, 244 Arab citizens have lost their lives in the circumstances of violence and crime – a shocking and inconceivable number, a figure more than twice compared to last year.

244 faces, names, each and every one is a whole world,” the organization said.

The Abraham Initiative is a non-profit organization which promotes Arab integration into Israel society.

This year’s spike in violence is attributed to organized crime groups fighting turf battles and trying to eliminate rivals.

Arab criminal organizations have been involved in extortion, money laundering, trafficking in weapons, drugs and women.

The final tally of 244, according to the Abraham Initiative, “comes despite a certain slowdown in trend during the first weeks of the war, but the crime returned and rose, until it reached almost the level it was before the war.

It shouldbe noted that in September alone, the bloodiest month of 2023, 29 people lost their lives. The average victim every day.”

This was more double the 120 Arab sector homicides in 2022.

The organization slammed the government for not taking stronger action, saying that only 21 of the year’s 244 murders were solved — a clearance rate of 9.6%.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu supports giving the Shin Bet security agency a more active role in fighting the rising crime, but this suggestion is opposed by Arab leaders and Shin Bet officials.

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