

good_news_from_israel_890x1002Good News Israel presents wounded Israelis learn to ski; the Arabs who support Israel, and much more.

By Michael Ordman



Wounded Israelis learn to ski

The initiative of Mendel Mintz, the Chabad rabbi of Aspen, Colorado, has setup Golshim L’Chaim-Ski to Live. The program brings wounded Israeli veterans and victims of terrorism to Aspen to learn how to ski – and boost their spirits.

1000 Israeli kids pick excess fruit for Tu’Bishvat

On 4th Feb, in honor of Tu B’Shevat, the Jewish holiday that marks the new year for trees, thousands of Israeli youths volunteered with Leket Israel’s Project Citrus Rescue by picking excess fruit remaining on trees in people’s private gardens, in order to donate it to the poor.

The Arabs who support Israel, and why

Great articles by Fred Maroun – an Arab Canadian. Included is a long list of other Arabs, non-Arab Muslims and former Muslims who also support the democratic Jewish State.

Miracle baby for Ethiopian immigrant

Following years of struggling to conceive, a 56-year-old Kiryat Malachi woman gave birth to her first child, a healthy boy. Tami came on Aliya from Ethiopia during Operation Solomon in 1991. She has nine brothers and always dreamed of having her own child.


Click here for all of this week’s Good News from Israel.