
Good News Israel Archive from the week of April 12, 2015: Israel alleviates drought in the Marshall Islands, Israel’s Mobileye steers cars across the USA and much more…

By Michael Ordman



Natural chemicals that protect against cancer

Scientists working in the Technion laboratory of Israeli Nobel Prize winner Professor Aaron Ciechanover have discovered that high concentrations of the chemical KPC1 and protein p50 suppress malignant growth and protect healthy cells.

Stop cell “spam” to prevent cancer

Scientists at Israel’s Weizmann Institute have identified that cancer can be triggered by an overload of specific messages from the cell membrane to its nucleus. They have also found a molecule that can filter these messages, similar to the way spam emails are blocked.

Pomegranate juice and dates for healthy arteries

Researchers at Israel’s Technion and Haifa’s Rambam hospital have discovered that combining pomegranate juice and dates (with their pits) provides maximum protection against the buildup of plaque on the endothelium of the arteries, and prevents heart attack or stroke.!divAbstract

Heart muscle re-grown after heart attack

Scientists at Israel’s Weizmann Institute working with Australian scientists have used the hormone neuregulin to re-grow heart tissue damaged by a heart attack or heart disease. See this rare positive report in the normally anti-Israel UK Guardian. Also published in Nature Cell Biology.

Mobile app approved for hip-replacements

FDA approval has been given to the iPhone / iPad app TraumaCad by Israeli health-tech firm Voyant, which helps doctors plan hip replacement on mobile devices. It allows doctors to import digital implant images from secure hospital networks and visualize the operation.

FDA approves Teva asthma treatment

Israel’s Teva has received FDA approval for ProAir RespiClick – the first and only breath-actuated, dry-powder rescue inhaler to be approved by the FDA for the treatment of acute asthma symptoms. ProAir RespiClick eliminates the need for hand-breath coordination during inhalation.

Auto-immunology – a new specialty of medicine

Professor Yehuda Shoenfeld of the Sheba Medical Center in Tel Hashomer has founded the field of auto-immunology and connected 81 different diseases through the immune system. The latest is narcolepsy from which sufferers fall asleep due to an autoimmune reaction.

AposTherapy marches on

Good video showing how successful the remedial shoes of Israel’s AposTherapy have become in the US. Its new CEO stopped building clinics and now trains physiotherapists to use AposTherapy shoes on patients suffering back and ligament pain. (Stop the video after the Apos feature.)

Diabetic technology goes global

Israeli medical tech firm DreaMed Diabetes has struck a deal with Medtronic, the world’s biggest medical device company, to use its MD-Logic Artificial Pancreas algorithm in Medtronic’s insulin pumps. The algorithm regulates the insulin released to the diabetic individual.

Medical images for computer diagnosis

Israeli startup Zebra Medical Vision is building a database of medical images (X-rays, CT scans and MRI scans) of real patients but without names or IDs. The database provides research data, previously unavailable due to privacy laws.

Patient saved by last-minute transplant

27-year-old Ran Azulai, who was born with a serious congenital defect, received a heart and two lungs in a rare, lifesaving operation. Ran had 3 previous heart operations and only a few weeks to live. The donor’s organs also saved 3 other transplant patients.



Young cancer patients enjoy extreme sports

Israeli cancer charity Zichron Menachem took some 100 young cancer patients on a special 3-day camp in the Galilee. They took part in ice-skating, bowling, paint balling, sailing, rafting, jeep tours and a helicopter flight. It also gave their parents a well-deserved rest.

Designing products for the disabled

Israel’s Tikkun Olam Makers (TOM) held a 3-day make-a-thon – a unique marathon in Tel Aviv, geared to producing affordable and cutting-edge products that will significantly improve the lives of people living with disabilities.

A center for autistic children

Yona and her son Tomer aged 3, live in Kiryat Gat, a small town in Israel’s Negev. Tomer was diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome in 2014. Watch the video to discover how the JNF UK funded Marianne’s Early Childhood Center has given Tomer and Yona the support they need.

Israel’s “green” army

In between defending the Jewish State, Israel’s Defense Forces are embarking on several ecological projects. They include repairing the Tel Kadesh archeological site, turning the Army Radio building into a habitat for indigenous animals and plants, and restoring the swallows to the IDF’s Tel Aviv base.

Young Israeli-Arab soccer sensation

I featured Maccabi Haifa-Nahalal’s youth football academy in March, with its Muslim, Jewish, Christian and Circassian players. Here is a video of Wiam – the team’s talented 13-year-old forward. Please listen to / read what his father says.

Sharing data on swine flu

Palestinian Authority and Israeli health officials met in the Judean town of Beit El, North of Ramallah, to discuss the recent outbreaks of swine flu in the region. Officials on both sides shared information on cases they had encountered and discussed ways to prevent the spread of the virus.

Hebrew entrepreneurial terms in India

R Gopalakrishnan is a non-Executive Director of Indian giant Tata. He was previously Chairman of Unilever Arabia, in Jeddah. He also understands how important to Israel’s success are the terms “Rosh Gadol, Chutzpah and Bitzua. Read his translations here.

Alleviating drought in the Marshall Islands

When Marshall Islands President Christopher Loeak appealed to Israel for assistance with their acute water shortage, Israel’s Foreign Ministry called in Israel’s G.A.L. Water Technologies. G.A.L supplied the islanders with a GalMobile that purifies enough water for 6,500 people.



Mobileye steers cars across the USA

An Audi A7 traveled over 560 miles, from California to Nevada, aided by a high-resolution, wide-angle 3-D video camera from Israel’s Mobileye. For 95% of the 560-mile journey, there was no driver. And then a Delphi Automotive “Roadruner” drove itself nearly all of the 3000 miles from San Francisco to Manhattan, using Mobileye’s Advanced Drive Assistance System.

Israel to host World Science Conference

Delegations including up to 20 Nobel Prize laureates and 400 young scientists and thinkers from 60 countries will attend a conference in Jerusalem in August. The five-day event will be the largest such event of its kind ever to be held.

International microscope workshop

120 students from 11 European countries plus Israel attended a 4-day electron microscope workshop at Israel’s Technion. The workshop was led by Technion graduate Professor Dganit Danino and was free, so that no student would be deterred from participating for budgetary reasons.

More about CyberTech 2015

8,700 people from 50 countries attended the two-day CyberTech 2015 conference in Tel Aviv on 24 March. The exhibition featured a “Startup Pavilion,” where 100 Israeli startup companies displayed breakthrough technologies and products.

3 new tech incubators

Israel’s Ministry of the Economy Office of the Chief Scientist is opening three new hi-tech incubators in Akko, Haifa and the Golan, each running for 8 years. Projects in the incubators’ program receive an 85% grant from a budget of NIS 2 million for the first two years in the incubator.

Body protection inspired by fish scales

Researchers at Israel’s Technion and USA’s MIT have developed a suit that offers 40 times more protection than existing body amour. Designed like the scales on a fish and produced on a 3D printer, the suit is resilient to bullets, knives and even radiation. Also in NewsWeek and UK Mail Online.

Laser imaging for US marines

Israel’s Elbit Systems has been awarded a $73.4 million contract from the US Marine Corps to supply a laser imaging system. The Common Laser Range Finder-Integrated Capability system enables soldiers in concealed positions to carry out imaging, range finding and navigation in combat arenas.

Wave-power for China

Israeli startup Eco Wave Power is to build a wave-powered plant on China’s Zoushan Island. The Chinese Government is funding the $450,000 100kw power plant, which is targeted for completion by the end of 2015. EWP is negotiating more projects in Zhejiang Province.

Smart AC controller starts shipping

I reported in June 2014 about Israeli startup Sensibo’s innovative technology that controls the temperature of your home. Well Sensibo smashed its $70,000 Indigo target, has completed manufacture and has started shipping. (And a reminder of Sensibo’s “really cool” video).

Israel treats over 90% of its wastewater

Israel continues to hold the world record for wastewater reuse. 90% of its 500 million cubic meters of wastewater is treated. 10% of that is released into rivers to maintain their quality. 325,000 acres of land is irrigated with recycled wastewater – nearly double that of 10 years ago.

Augmented Reality in 3D

Israeli startup Infinity Augmented Reality has developed a software-based Augmented Reality (AR) engine that can turn any device with two simple cameras into a powerful real time 3D platform. Infinity has just raised $5 million of funds, including from SUN Corporation.



Israel’s stock market boom

Despite the geopolitical turmoil in the rest of the Middle East, Israel’s stock market is doing well. The Tel Aviv 25 has gained 6.9 percent in the past month 16.1 percent over the year.

Petah Tikva is Israel’s top export city

17.2% of Israel’s exports (excluding diamonds) originate in the inland city of Petah Tikva. The city is home to 1,540 exporters – more than twice that of Haifa and nearly three times those in Ashkelon and Tel Aviv.

Israeli business expands into Latin America

Israel’s Ministry of Economy is developing new Free Trade Agreements between Israel and both Panama and Peru. It already has ones with Mexico and Colombia, as well as a cooperation agreement with Mexico for industrial Research & Development.

Turkish startups compete in Israel

At Israel’s Startup Fusion 2015 on 22nd March, over a dozen startups, (including 3 Japanese and 3 Turkish) competed for a $100,000 seed investment to be provided by Samurai Incubate.

CyberArk – a safe refuge in stormy seas

Since its successful NASDAQ launch in Sep 2014, sales at Israel’s CyberArk have risen by 81 per cent. CyberArk protects privileged accounts and passwords inside a company. Its 1800 customers include 18 of the top 20 banks.

Israel is building BIG companies

Good informative article, which highlights the growing trend for Israeli companies to resist the temptation to make quick exits, but rather stay the course and become large companies. The video discussion includes business leaders from OurCrowd, Pitango, ReWalk and Barclays Israel.



Jerusalem’s gazelle nature park is open

Jerusalem’s Gazelle Valley Nature Park is now open to the public. The 62-acre park contains a female gazelle from the original wild herd that lived in the area, plus others from zoos and their offspring. There are also porcupines, hedgehogs, moles, snakes, insects and 200 species of birds.

Duran Duran is coming to Israel

Pop legends Duran Duran will be performing in Tel Aviv on 10 June. Lead singer Simon LeBon worked as a volunteer on Kibbutz Gvolot in the 80’s and the band even wrote an instrumental piece called “Tel Aviv”.



Wounded Syrian boy recovers with Matza

Israeli doctors performed complex surgery to enable a Syrian boy to walk again after he was severely injured by a shell in Syria’s civil war. Having to spend Passover in an Israeli hospital, he really enjoyed eating traditional matza crackers, calling them a “delicacy”.

The 4 questions in Israeli sign language

Jewish Deaf Multimedia released this video of Rafael teaching how to ask the famous “Four Questions of the Passover Seder” in Israeli Sign Language. Start learning now and you’ll be able to ask “Why is this night different from all other nights?” in a different way next year!

UN sees Jewish connection to the Land of Israel

The exhibit entitled “People, Book, Land – The 3,500 Year Relationship of the Jewish People and the Land of Israel” has opened at the UN headquarters in New York. The opening event was co-sponsored by the UN missions of Israel, the US and Canada.


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