PM Benjamin Netanyahu meets with Dr. Qanta Ahmed (L) and MK Anat Beko (C). (Kobi Gideon/GPO) (Kobi Gideon/GPO)
Netanyahu and Qanta Ahmed

A rare voice of support for Israel was heard in the prime minister’s office on Wednesday with the visit of brave activist Dr. Qanta Ahmed.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met on Wednesday in his office in Jerusalem with Dr. Qanta Ahmed, a noted Muslim activist against Islamic extremism in the region and around the world. Ahmed has been involved for many years in the struggle against the campaign of hatred, delegitimization and boycotts of Israel.

Member of Knesset (MK) Anat Berko also was present at the meeting. Berko was among those who initiated last week’s Knesset discussion on the war against attempted boycotts of Israel, which Ahmed attended.

Ahmed, a physician and author, said that the world “has much to learn from Israel regarding the war against extremist Islam in all its aspects – terrorism, anti-Semitism and hatred.” This is a global problem that must be dealt with, she stressed.

Netanyahu explained that it was very important to hear voices such as Dr. Ahmed’s around the world. Not only does she represent the truth, he said, but she also has the courage to fight against lies and hatred.

Ahmed is a true friend of the State of Israel, the prime minister declared.

Ahmed, who practices medicine in New York, stated in 2013: “Israel’s war against Hamas remains my struggle – my jihad.”

By: United with Israel Staff

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