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Change.org, a self-described “platform for change,” has undermined a petition to the US government to investigate the “infiltration of global anti-Semitic organizations” in Congress by suggesting it be researched before signing. This is outrageous!

The Zachor Legal Institute has written a letter to Change.org threatening legal action if the crowd-sourcing platform does not respond to its request for information about why it has chosen to flag and disable some components of a petition filed by Stop Antisemitism, the Jerusalem Post reported.

Stop Antisemitism describes itself as a group of concerned citizens which exposes “anti-Semitism in all facets of American society through social media platforms and mobilizes Americans through petitions that call to action.”

This petition calls on the US.Government to investigate the “infiltration of global anti-Semitic organizations in the US Congress.”

The group wants the investigation to focus on the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) and cites Reps. Ilhan Omar’s and Rashida Tlaib’s close ties with the extremist Muslim civil rights and advocacy group.

Omar was a keynote speaker at a recent CAIR fundraiser and was quoted as saying at the event that the Sept. 11, 2001 attack on the Twin Towers in New York City was carried out by “some people who did something.”

Omar also praised CAIR for intensifying its advocacy work after 9/11.

Tlaib has expressed a need to “protect” anti-Israel figures like CAIR leader Zahra Billoo.

The petition was flagged by Change.org earlier this month. Now, a pink bar at the top of the petition page reads, “Change.org has received flags from our users that the statements in this petition may be contested. You should consider researching this issue before signing or sharing.”

Zachor writes in its letter to Change.org: “Nothing in the… petition has violated any of the community guidelines or terms of service. In fact, even though Change.org’s terms of service clearly state that Change.org doesn’t monitor petitions or support political positions, that is exactly what has happened when Change.org acted to flag, demonetize, and shadowban the [Stop Antisemitism] petition.”

Zachor noted that when Change.org requested that Stop Antisemitism provide supporting documentation to prove the accuracy of its petition, it did so and added links to the supporting information on the petition page.

Write to the administrators of change.org and protest this bias against groups fighting anti-Semitism. Tell them this cannot be tolerated!

Click here to send you message to Change.org’s report desk

Click here to contact Change.org’s CEO Ben Rattray