
Amazon is selling apparel that promotes Israel’s destruction. We must demand they remove these products.

Amazon’s online store is selling sweatshirts and t-shirts emblazoned with the slogan “Free Palestine, End Israeli occupation.” The clothes feature a fist in Palestinian flag colors.

Some shirts also sport the entire map of Israel under the “Free Palestine” slogan. Those who wear it are essentially calling for Israel’s destruction.

Even shirts that display a map of “Israel” show a partial country, excluding Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria and the Golan Heights. All three pages in an Amazon search for Israel t-shirts show a truncated Jewish state.

One site user responded to the belligerent attire by writing, “Amazon is supporting genocide of Jews.”

“Free Palestine? From Whom? From Jews? Because that’s the idea of the Arab world – to eliminate Jews and kill them. That’s their view of ‘Free Palestine.’ Shame on you, Amazon, to support genocide of the whole nation,” the user wrote.

Sales are made through Amazon’s platform, though the clothes are not directly sold by the company. Still, it must take responsibility for activity done through its site.

Sears had sold similar apparel, along with maps that excluded Israel, but quickly removed it following public outrage.

We must exert similar public pressure on Amazon and obtain the same results.

We must stop this explicit call for Israel’s destruction and demand that Amazon remove the offensive apparel from its site!

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Urge Remove Anti-Israel Shirts!

1. Click Here flood the pages that sell the shirts with negative comments and low ratings.

2. Click Here to send Amazon a message of complaint via Twitter.

3. Click here to send Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos a message via Twitter.

4. Call Amazon: 866-216-1072

Please fill out the form below and let us know what you’ve done about this issue!

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