American children participate in anti-Semitic program promoting violence at Philadelphia Islamic Center in April. (Youtube/Screenshot) (Youtube/Screenshot)

Brainwashing children to praise so-called “martyrs” and indoctrinating them with anti-Semitism is shocking and unacceptable in the United States of America. It must be stopped!

In a frightening display at the Philadelphia Islamic Center in April, young children performed songs calling for the “liberation” of land that belongs to the Jewish State with the “blood of martyrs.”

“We will chop off their heads” to “liberate the sorrowful and exalted Al-Aqsa Mosque” in Jerusalem, one child exclaimed, according to the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI), a watchdog organization.

The Muslim American Society Islamic Center in Philadelphia, which is part of the non-profit Muslim American Society (MAS) and has over 40 chapters in the U.S. and one in the U.K., posted the video on its Facebook page, showing the children singing and reading poetry for its ‘Ummah Day’ celebration.

In fact, the MAS was created by the Muslim Brotherhood. President Donald Trump is currently pushing to designate the Brotherhood a terrorist organization.

Following an uproar, MAS said in a statement that “not all songs were properly vetted. This was an unintended mistake and an oversight in which the center and the students are remorseful. MAS will conduct an internal investigation to ensure this does not occur again.”

However, the children appeared to be comfortable with the message and it appears such activities are not unusual.

“These are not isolated incidents” and “are happening in major centers of the country,” MEMRI said.

Indeed, the vast majority of hate crimes against minorities in the U.S. are directed against Jews, according to FBI data.

Brainwashing children to praise so-called “martyrs” and indoctrinating them with anti-Semitism is shocking and unacceptable in the United States of America. We must not allow this to continue!

American taxpayer funds go to groups such as MAS. Dr. Qanta Ahmed, a prominent British-American Muslim scholar, says this is an opportunity for the IRS and the U.S. government to investigate the issue.

We agree with Dr. Ahmed! This is a dangerous situation. Please contact your local Congress representative and demand immediate action. You can also contact the White House.

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1. Click here to find your representative.

2. Call the Capitol switchboard to reach your representative: 1- (202) 224-3121

3. Contact the White House.

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