A screenshot from the 'Resistance 101' course at Columbia University on March 24, 2024. (Screenshot)

In the wake of the horrific October 7 massacre, American colleges became hotbeds of antisemitism.

Columbia University, in particular, has been under scrutiny for its inadequate responses, especially highlighted during a recent congressional hearing.

The university’s inability to provide clear definitions of antisemitism and its reluctance to take decisive action have only fueled the problem further.

Now, shocking reports reveal that Columbia is hosting a course titled ‘Palestinian Resistance 101,’ taught by Samidoun, an Israeli-designated terror group.

This revelation is deeply troubling, as it signifies a dangerous alignment with organizations promoting violence and extremism.

 A poster for the 'Resistance 101' at Columbia University on March 24, 2024. (photo credit: FAIR USE / VIA SHAI DAVIDAI ON X)

A poster for the ‘Resistance 101’ at Columbia University on March 24, 2024. (photo credit: FAIR USE / VIA SHAI DAVIDAI ON X)

This course, propagated by groups openly endorsing terrorism, is not only abhorrent but also dangerous.

It glorifies violence against Israelis, celebrates terrorist tactics like airplane hijackings, and promotes ideologies linked to designated terror organizations.

Such curriculum blatantly disregards the safety and well-being of students, perpetuating hatred rather than fostering constructive dialogue.

The fact that such a course is being taught at a prestigious institution like Columbia is not only unacceptable but also poses a threat to the safety and well-being of students, particularly those of Jewish descent.

It is imperative that Columbia University takes immediate action to cancel this course, hold the responsible parties accountable, and uphold its commitment to academic integrity and student safety.

We urge Columbia University to act swiftly and decisively to ensure that such courses are never allowed to take place on its campus again.

SEND AN EMAIL TO COLUMBIA AT: sps-studentservices@columbia.edu


Subject: Urgent Action Needed: Cancel ‘Palestinian Resistance 101’


Dear The Office of Student Conduct,

I am deeply concerned about the recent revelation of a course titled ‘Palestinian Resistance 101’ being taught at Columbia University, by individuals associated with designated terror organizations.


This course not only promotes violence and terrorism but also poses a serious threat to the safety and well-being of students on campus.


I urge you to take immediate action to cancel this course and ensure that such hateful ideologies are not propagated within our university community. Our academic institutions should be spaces of learning, dialogue, and mutual respect, not platforms for promoting terrorism and violence.


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