Palestinian chief negotiator Saeb Erekat (R) with Barack Obama in Ramallah. (AP Photo/Tara Todras-Whitehill) AP Photo/Tara Todras-Whitehill
Barack Obama, Saeb Erekat



Palestinian official Saeb Erekat supports terrorism and with zero proof accused Israel of killing Yasser Arafat. Tell Harvard to rescind its offer to hire him as a “diplomacy and statecraft” fellow.

Saeb Erekat is the Palestinian Authority’s chief negotiator, a strange position for someone who claims committing violence against Israelis is the “right” of all Palestinians.

Erekat made these comments in an interview with Al-Jazeera, an outlet he also used to promote the conspiracy that Israel “killed” Palestinian arch-terrorist Yasser Arafat, despite the existence of no evidence for this claim by Erekat’s own admission.

He also told Al Jazeera, “I will never recognize Israel as a Jewish state.”

Shockingly, Erekat was just hired by one of the world’s top institutions of higher learning, Harvard University, to teach “diplomacy and statecraft.”

Erekat is a perverse choice to teach these topics.

He defends Palestinian terror attacks against civilians and denies the Jewish people’s connection to the Land of Israel.

Most recently, Erekat slammed the United Arab Emirates (UAE) for making peace with Israel, blasting “Arab Zionists” and calling the display of the Israeli flag “forbidden, Zionist thinking.”

As if these facts weren’t troubling enough, Erekat’s record as a “negotiator” speaks for itself. He has managed, along with PA President Mahmoud Abbas, to sabotage the Palestinian people’s future by blowing every opportunity for peace that he has been presented with. This includes the U.S.’ recent proposal, which included $50 billion in economic benefits, an “independent Palestinian state,” and other trade incentives.

The PA’s response to the proposal? A boycott of the White House.

Why would Harvard hire someone who supports terror, shuns peace, and gambles with his own people’s future to teach “diplomacy and statecraft?”

Tell Harvard to not let a pro-terror Palestinian mouthpiece preach hatred for the Jewish state.

Demand Harvard Not hire pro-terror PA official to shape young minds!

Send a respectful message to one of the recipients below, or use the following template:

To whom it may concern, I am writing to request that you rescind your fellowship offer to Saeb Erekat to serve in the Future of Diplomacy Project at Harvard Kennedy School’s Belfer Center. His support for terrorism, false accusations about Israel, and rejectionist agenda continue to sabotage peace process. An institution with Harvard’s history and tradition should not permit an individual such as Erekat to shape the minds of future diplomats and leaders.”

1. Send a message directly to Harvard Belfer Center Director Ash Carter:

2. Send a message directly to Harvard Belfer Center Co-Director Eric Rosenbach:

3. Send a message directly to Harvard Belfer Center Executive Director Aditi Kumar: