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antisemitic fights LA

The appalling attack on Adas Torah synagogue in Los Angeles is a stark reminder of the rising tide of antisemitism that threatens our communities.

What started as a protest against an Israeli real estate event quickly escalated into a violent assault on Jewish congregants.

Videos show masked individuals clad in keffiyehs physically attacking worshippers, leaving one man bloodied and injured. This brazen act of aggression, coupled with chants invoking “intifada revolution,” underscores a disturbing trend of antisemitic hatred spilling into our streets.

Law enforcement sources have revealed that over 150 individuals converged on the synagogue, necessitating a gradual police response. Despite the deployment of 60 officers, the situation spiraled into street brawls before order was restored.

President Biden rightly condemned the violence as antisemitic and un-American, emphasizing that such actions have no place in our society. Yet, mere condemnation is not enough.

We must demand swift and decisive action from local authorities to protect Jewish institutions and ensure the safety of all community members.

The failure to intervene promptly and effectively is deeply concerning, allowing the mob to grow out of control and endangering innocent lives.

The Jewish Federation of Los Angeles has called for increased security measures, and community leaders are rightly demanding accountability from law enforcement.

Mayor Karen Bass’s promise of additional police patrols is a step forward, but it must be accompanied by a robust commitment to prosecute those responsible for this heinous attack.

As supporters of Israel and champions against antisemitism, we stand in solidarity with the Jewish community in Los Angeles and across the globe.

Reaffirm your commitment to combating antisemitism and denounce hatred in all its forms and ensure that Jewish people can worship without fear or intimidation.

Email LA Police Department at contact.lapdonline@gmail.com

Subject: Urgent Action Required: Ensuring Safety of Jewish Community and Institutions


Dear LAPD Command,


I am writing to express my deep concern regarding the recent violent attack on Adas Torah synagogue in Los Angeles. The events that unfolded during the protest underscore a critical need for enhanced security measures to protect our Jewish community and their places of worship.


As a resident deeply committed to the principles of tolerance and safety for all, I urge the LAPD to take swift and decisive action to prevent future incidents.


Please prioritize the safety of our Jewish neighbors and ensure that they can practice their faith without fear.


Thank you for your prompt action in this urgent matter.

[Your Name]