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The coverage of the recent recovery of six Israeli hostages brutally murdered by Hamas is nothing short of disgraceful. Instead of calling it what it is—a brutal execution that followed months of torture—mainstream media outlets have shamefully downplayed these horrific executions, referring to them as mere “deaths.”

This kind of skewed reporting is an insult to the victims, their families, and the truth.

After over 300 days of captivity, these innocent Israelis were executed just before their bodies were found by the IDF.

Instead of accurately reporting this, outlets like The Guardian  chose to use the headline: “Israelis Protest to Demand a Ceasefire After Six More Hostages Found Dead in Gaza – Video.” The term “found dead” minimizes the brutal reality of their execution, failing to convey the true horror of their murders.

CNBC also participated in this whitewashing, stating: “Six Hostages, Including Israeli-American, Found Dead in Gaza.” Found dead? No. These victims were brutally executed after enduring months of captivity.


USA Today followed suit with: “Six Hostages Die in Gaza Amid Ceasefire Talks.” The word “die” suggests peaceful deaths, conveniently ignoring the fact that these hostages were murdered at point-blank range by their Hamas captors. Furthermore, USA Today refers to the perpetrators as “militants” rather than “terrorists,” which downplays the gravity of their crimes and misrepresents their role in these brutal murders.

NBC’s headline read: “Six hostages, including Israeli American Hersh Goldberg-Polin, found dead in Gaza.” Found dead? No. These victims were brutally executed after enduring months of captivity. Furthermore, the focus of the report is on the protests in Israel triggered by these deaths, rather than the brutal reality of their torture and murder at the hands of Hamas.

Reuters got in on the act, with their headline reading: “Bodies of Six Hostages Recovered in Gaza.” The headline deliberately omits that these bodies belonged to people who were savagely executed by terrorists. Such soft language is shameful and misleads readers into believing these victims died naturally.

CNN added to the distortion with:” Six Israeli Hostages Found Dead in Gaza.” This implies they died of natural causes, completely erasing the horrific violence inflicted upon them.

AP contributed to the misleading narrative with: “Israelis Erupt in Protest to Demand a Ceasefire After 6 More Hostages Die in Gaza.” This headline also suggests passive deaths rather than the violent murders they actually were.

These outlets are downplaying the vicious murders of Israeli citizens, who suffered nearly a year of torment before their execution, and masking the brutality of Hamas terrorists.

The world deserves to know the reality: Six Israeli hostages were brutally murdered by Hamas.

It’s time to demand honesty from the media.

CLICK HERE to Email these media outlets and demand a correction.

Subject: Urgent: Correct Misleading Coverage of Hostage Murders


Editorial Team,


Your recent coverage of the six Israeli hostages murdered by Hamas is deeply troubling.


Headlines that describe them as merely “found dead” and ignore their brutal execution after nearly a year in captivity are unacceptable. These reports misrepresent the horrific nature of their deaths and fail to hold Hamas accountable for their crimes.


You must immediately correct this coverage to accurately reflect the brutality of their murders.



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