A US-based professor issued an anti-Semitic response to the tragedy only a day after the attack. We must not be silent!
Dr. Abeer Kayed, a US-based professor of political science, went on TV only a day after the worst anti-Semitic attack in US history and blamed “the media” for distorting the motive behind the Pittsburgh synagogue massacre of 11 Jewish worshipers, which she claims was “strictly political” and “not a hate crime.”
Kayed further alleged that “the power of the Zionist lobby” is to blame, referring to the “the historical significance of the role of the Jews in American life.”
It is “as if they get the credit for the existence of the United States,” she said.
She also said President Donald Trump was responsible because the “hatred and racism in his rhetoric” motivated such crimes.
Her shocking remarks were broadcast by the UK-based Al-Araby TV channel just a day after the attack, providing the Arabic-speaking viewers with a classic anti-Semitic view of the American reality.
Kayed is the author of a book called The Ongoing Nakba: 65 Years of Fragmentation, which is described as “a poetic look at the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territory.” She also lectures at events sponsored by the anti-Israel Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) organization.
Kayed, a former adjunct faculty member in the Department of World Languages at Howard University, generated a public backlash, prompting the university to issue the following statement denouncing her remarks:
“The University does not condone her remarks, nor is she a spokesperson representing Howard University. We mourn with our Jewish brothers and sisters in the aftermath of the horrific and unconscionable atrocity committed at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.”
While we welcome free speech and defend Kayed’s right to make these statements, we also have a right to respond in a civil manner and express our outcry regarding her comments!
Tell Kayed what you think of her anti-Semitic statements!

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