Nikki Haley, Israel’s best friend ever at the UN, will be sorely missed. Here is why and how we should thank her and wish her well.
Israel’s leadership thanked and bid farewell to US Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley after she announced this week she would end her tenure at the end of the year.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu thanked Haley for “leading an uncompromising struggle against the hypocrisy at the UN and on behalf of the truth and justice of our country. Best of luck!”
President Reuven Rivlin thanked Haley, “a true ambassador, from the depths of our heart on behalf of all the citizens of Israel.”
He thanked her for “her courage and for a term of office that will be remembered as a turning point in the relations between the US and international organizations, and the discriminatory stance that these organizations have taken on Israel on more than one occasion.”
“We will continue to see Nikki as a true friend,” he concluded.
Israel’s Ambassador to the UN Danny Danon, who worked closely with Haley, thanked her “for standing with the truth without fear.”
“Thank you for representing the values common to Israel and the United States. Thank you for your support for the State of Israel, which helped lead to a change in Israel’s status in the UN. Thank you for your close friendship and common paths. Wherever you are, you will continue to be a true friend of the State of Israel,” he said.
The IDF tweeted “Thank you Nikki Haley for your service in the UN and unwavering support for Israel and the truth. The soldiers of the Israel Defense Forces salute you!”
In her two years at the UN, Haley was an uncompromising advocate of American policy towards the Middle East and Israel, and never wavered in her support for Israel’s right to defend itself.
Speaking clearly and directly, she unmasked the cynical agenda promoted by the United Nations and other international organizations.
Through her achievements, the US abandoned several anti-Israel organizations at the UN and led to severe action against Palestinian terror financing.
Nikki Haley, Israel’s best friend ever at the UN, will be sorely missed. She deserves a resounding round of raucous applause and a massive thank you from all of us. Send her a message conveying your feelings of gratitude.
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