Amy Schumer (Shutterstock) (Shutterstock)
Amy Schumer

Taking to Instagram Sunday, the 42-year-old stand-up comic and Trainwreck star reposted a statement accusing opponents of Israel’s response to the October 7th massacres of antisemitism.

By World Israel News Staff

Actress and comedian Amy Schumer excoriated Hamas’ supporters around the world, and took aim at critics of Israel who have called for an immediate ceasefire between Gaza and Israel.

Taking to Instagram Sunday, the 42-year-old stand-up comic and Trainwreck star reposted a statement accusing opponents of Israel’s response to the October 7th massacres of antisemitism.

“If you scream ‘genocide’ but were silent about the massacre of October 7th, you might hate Jews.”

“If you call for a ceasefire but not the release of hostages, you might hate Jews.”

“If you oppose Israel’s right to defend itself but say nothing of Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Hezbollah, and Syria’s continuous rocket launches toward the civilian population of Israel, you might hate Jews.”

“If you spoke out against Israel’s tragic bombing of the hospital in Gaza, but made no contraction once you learned it was actually done by Islamic Jihad, you might hate Jews.”

“If you use inflammatory language regarding Israel no matter how flawed their government, but use measured and apologetic terminology around Hamas, a terrorist organization whose charter clearly states their intent to kill Jews, you might hate Jews.”

“If you chant ‘decolonize,’ but fail to condemn the chanting of ‘gas the Jews’ at rallies in city streets and universities worldwide, you might hate Jews.”

“If you disagree with this statement, you might hate Jews.”

Following the October 7th massacres, Schumer drew criticism from some of her fans after she she reshared an Instagram post by activist Mandana Dayani.

“Never in my years as an activist, have I seen other activists, upon seeing footage of little girls being killed and dragged through [sic] streets, immediately find the burning need to go on the internet and justify their deaths. ‘Oh, here [are] all the reasons that girl was burned alive!’,” the post reads.

“For complete clarity, the only reason you do this, is because you have been made to believe that the killing of Jews can even be justified. Because every civilization has taught that the life of a Jew is less valuable than your own. It’s the Hitler playbook. Your antisemitism is not unconscious. It is so deeply rooted in your bones and you are so comfortable with it, you are not even able to consider its impact on your friends.”

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